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CPD stands for Continued Professional Development. I am dedicated to and invested in learning; ensuring that I continue to build on my knowledge and skills, so I can support you and your canine, to the best of my ability.


Canine Communication Diploma - New Skills Academy - 10 CPD - 2020

Introduction To Being a Dog Trainer - New Skills Academy - 8 CPD - 2020

Canine Communication Diploma, L3 - Centre of Excellence - 150 CPD - 2020 - Completed 2021

Reactive Rascals - Dog Training College - 5 CPD - 2020


Understanding Sleep - Dog Training College - 1 CPD - 2020

Understanding the Dog's Mind - Dog Training College - 1.5 CPD - 2020

The Effects of the Pandemic on Behavioural Development - Dog Training College -  2 CPD - 2020

The Learning Planet - Dog Training College - 1.5 - 2020


The Big F Word of Dog Training - Dog Training College - 1.5 CPD - 2020

Calming the Aroused Dog (Tellington Ttouch) - Dog Training College - 1 CPD - 2020

Growl Class - A Workshop Demo for Reactive Dogs - Ian Dunbar - Sept 2019 

Working Through Reactivity Using TTouch - Dog Training College - March 2020


Dog to Dog Aggression (Reactivity) - Scott Sheaffer, Udemy - April 2020

New Concepts for the Treatment & Prevention of Dog Aggression: Biting & Fighting - Ian Dunbar - April 2020

The 2020 International Dog Behaviour Conference - Victoria Stillwell - May 2020 

FURTHER LEARNING (Non certificated)

Understanding Dog Aggression  - Michael Shikashio - Dec 2020

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